Friday, September 16, 2011

Goulash Blog Reborn!

I've just returned from an amazing trip from Tanzania. While on the trip I had an AHA! moment. My blog hasn't been what I had imagined it to be and has died a slow death. While in Tanzania I decided to change it's direction and make it exclusively about jewelry pieces inspired by my travels. I will include thoughts, drawings--not necessarily good ones!--photos and parts of the journey of some pieces showing how they came to be. They will not be in chronological order of trips. For example--my mind's still in Egypt! I have a few minor pieces done and have a few more major--by my standards-- pieces to come. One, hopefully, will incorporate inlays, as I am taking another class with the unbelievable Suzan I will also not commit to a piece from every country visited--one trip incorporated 6 countries. I am committing--to myself and to my blog that I will spend at least 30 minutes each week working on travel inspired jewelry and posting to "Traveling with Goulash". Hope you enjoy the ride!

If you'd like to hear from me when I've posted, please email me at

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