Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm Still A Birdbrain!

Well, I actually have a pretty decent pair of blue boobie feet made.  Was ready to get on the torch today and try to make them a body.  I decided it was time to check my gas lines for leaks and found a few that I haven't been able to fix.  So it will have to wait.  I did mess up on my information on Boobie species.  There are no white footed boobies--just red.  For some photos and descriptions please visit:

Interestingly enough, the red footed boobies still appear to have blue beaks!  I don't remember seeing any of those on our trip!  Here's a better pic.  Notice the touches of red on the beak and the blue eye rings.

Red-Footed Boobies, Red-Footed Booby Pictures, Red-Footed Booby Facts-National Geographic

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