Some of you asked to see (again!) the original photo of the trees that inspired my design.
Robert, you were also right. I believe it is also called the Hala tree!
Please "Like" my Goulash Designs Facebook page. If you already "Like" refer a friend who becomes a new "Like" and drop me a line to let me know. If I get 100 new "Likes" I will be giving away a string work pendant, similar to my Pyramid Pendant. The pendant will be given away by a random drawing of the new Likes and referrers. Deadline is July 31.
Please "Like" my Goulash Designs Facebook page. If you already "Like" refer a friend who becomes a new "Like" and drop me a line to let me know. If I get 100 new "Likes" I will be giving away a string work pendant, similar to my Pyramid Pendant. The pendant will be given away by a random drawing of the new Likes and referrers. Deadline is July 31.