Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pandanus or Screw Palm Tree

Some of you asked to see (again!) the original photo of the trees that inspired my design.

Robert, you were also right.  I believe it is also called the Hala tree!

Please "Like" my Goulash Designs Facebook page. If you already "Like" refer a friend who becomes a new "Like" and drop me a line to let me know. If I get 100 new "Likes" I will be giving away a string work pendant, similar to my Pyramid Pendant. The pendant will be given away by a random drawing of the new Likes and referrers. Deadline is July 31.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Costa Rican Trees--Finished!

Yesterday and today I finished my trees; Robert said they were called hau trees.  I don't remember asking when I was in Costa Rica and, the hau trees that I've founed on the internet do not look like this and I can't find any similar on the internet.  I will find out though!

...Anyway, first thing I did yesterday was remove the bridges from the shoots at the bottom of the tree, and added a few branch stumps.  Then I removed the crossbar that held the working handle.
Next it was time to make the leaves.  Here I decided to add some color, so I used transparent green and some opaque yellow.  Then I made a tree topper onto which I put the leaves:

Then we put the leaf groups on (I say "we", because without Robert's help I wouldn't have been able to do it!)..,.and

I also learned in class of a very inexpensive, low-tech way to give borosilicate glass a frosted finish.  Much cheaper than a sandblaster, and am considering frosting the trunk of the tree and leaving the leaves shiny.
What do you think?

Thank you again, Robert, for a fabulous class and all of your help!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Those Trees...In Progress!

I am spending the week in Pittsburgh with the amazing Robert Mickelsen.  .  This is only day two of class and already I've accomplished which was to me, last week, the impossible!  You remember my trees which I posted a few posts back.  First step is a simplified drawing:


That accomplished, I hit the torch and formed the trunks:


Next I make the shoots that come off the bottom of the trees and then I start to attach
them.  Note:  what you're now seeing as the top of the tree is actually the bottom!


Now the shoot system is almost finished.  The horizontal bars will come off as they're just for support.

Tomorrow:  the leaves.